
The impact of immigration on California

Here is my topic of interest ! I chose the topic "The impact of immigration on California" because, during my studies in France, I had to work on the impact of immigration on French society. A study of this impact on the whole U.S was a very broad research. So, while I'm living in California, I decided to focus on this specific state. 

Two websites helped me in my research : 
 California immigration trends
  • Number of immigrants : 9.5 million . Out of those 9.5 million, 2.4 million  are unauthorized immigrants.
  • Concentration of immigrants : California represents 28% of all foreign-born U.S residents and 24% of all unauthorized immigrants. in 1990, those statistics were respectively 33% and 45%.
  • Origin of immigrants : Nearly 40% of California's legal immigrants come from Mexico and Asian. 81% of the unauthorized immigrants come from Mexico and oher Latin America countries.
  • Age of immigrants : Unauthorized immigrants are concentrated in the 18-39 age group (72%), with 17% below 18 and only 11% above the age of 40.
  • Economic impact :
    • Effects on the overall economy that include job growth, unemployment and poverty rates, wage and price levels. 
    • Effects on individuals including possible changes in job and income opportunities
The impact of immigration on California economy can be take from two different points of view. Whether immigrants "take jobs from existing residents" or whether they "take jobs that nobody else if available to fill".
  • Fiscal impact : immigration has a lot of effect on public service costs and taxes paid.
  • Demographic impact : Immigration makes the population of California more ethnically diverse. According to the 2010 American Census, California's population is 40.1% Non-Hispanic White, 5.8% Black or African American, 12.8% Asian, 4% American Indian, 2% Pacific Islander and 2.6% from two or more races. 37.6% of the total population are Hispanics or Latinos.

See you on Wednesday, Classmates !!


Ken's life said...

Hi Anne!

Your topic is "The impact of immigration on California."

Last quarter I learned about census survey in a marketing class.

California is a kind of large immigration state because it's close to Mexico.

This happen might be a problem because it's more likely to influence the U.S economy.

So I think it's important to learn about demographic to capture a fundamental structure of marketing concept.

It's very interesting.

You provided more specific % as an easy understand.
You did great job!!

Thanks for your hard work, Anne!!

Then, see you on Wednesday.


Perrine said...

Hi AS !!

Your post is so interesting, I learnt so much figures about the immigration on California. I cannot realize that 2,4 million of the immigrant are unauthorized. Do you know if some laws exist again unauthorized immigration ? What happen to them ?

Thank you for your post,
and see you tonight.

Have a nice day,